Saturday, April 25, 2009

The Jumpiest Nieces

I just received an email from my sister, Rachelle, and I have to brag on my nieces. They are the cutest little girls and they compete in an annual jump rope contest at their elementary school. Felicity (Grade 3) and Natalie (Grade 4) both made it from their grades. They have 15 minutes to try and jump as many jumps as they can. They can have three attempts within that 15 minutes. Felicity jumped almost the whole time and got 1,194 jumps. Natalie jumped 1,115 times. Felicity placed 1st in her grade and Natalie placed 3rd in her grade. CONGRATULATIONS TO THEM BOTH. I know I couldn't jump that many times and I'm not even sure I could jump for the entire 3 minutes.

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