I got ahead of myself and blogged about Jordan arriving at school before I blogged about the final hours. Well, I guess I probably didn't have much to say about the final hours as he spent most of them with his friends (can't say I wouldn't have done the same). While he was out saying all his goodbyes I cleaned his room (well, an initial cleaning to find all of his clothes and electronics that he would need to take with him) and washed all his clothes (that should get me off the bad dad list). On Friday night we all went to dinner at Casa Del Rey (in Grantsville) and then we had to get back home so that Jordan could go down and watch his friend open his mission call. He was really excited to see him open it (his friend was called to Los Angeles Spanish Speaking, I think he is somewhat nervous as this tends to be the scarier parts of LA). He spent some time with his friend Ben, who is going to USU in Logan. On Saturday we worked on packing the car. I was the only one convinced that we could get everything in the Subaru - but I was right and we did (except for the TV which Jordan's roommate come over and picked up). I don't think Sherrie was completely sold on the rooftop carrier. But it worked quite well.
I realized as we were packing things and getting ready for Jordan to go that I was going to miss all that guitar commotion. He is always doing something new on the guitar or with the guitar sounds through his looping pedal and other electronic gizmos. I am sure that he will dazzle the people in his apartment complex. I've felt melancholy most of the day - I actually feel like I could just go to sleep for several days. It is most likely the let down after taking Jordan to school. I know he is going to have the time of his life and he will also do well in school. The classes he is taking are things that he loves and when he loves something he isn't afraid to spend a lot of time doing it and doing it right. I do feel a difference with him being at SUU as opposed to BYU. When Jared was at the Y, I also felt like we could just run down there if we needed to. Cedar City is little bit more of a trip. I did find myself, however, sitting here thinking about going down there and hiking this weekend. I was thinking that I could drive down there, pick up Jordan and go hiking in Bryce's Canyon. I'm sure he'd appreciate that (his first weekend at school). I just have to get used to having a life with less interaction with my children (but I'm not going to let myself feel old). So long for now....
Remember when I blogged?
Yeah, me neither.
Lately every time I blog the subject matter is exactly the same: I used to
blog and now I don't but I'm definitely going to restart.
9 years ago
Is that cat-guitar picture really your kitty?? Hilarious! Jordan sitting around playing the guitar totally reminds me of Eric. Jordan reminds me of Eric.
That really is our poor kitty. He puts up with so much and never complains. He actually misses Jordan and has been looking for him.
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